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SainSonic Kamlan 50 mm f/1.1

Manufacturer SainSonic
Model Kamlan 50 mm f/1.1
Lens style Telephoto
Focal length 50 mm
Maximum aperture f/1.1
Angle of view 31 o
Closest focusing distance 0.5 m
Maximum magnification
Minimum aperture 16
Number of diaphragm blades 11
Auto focus type MF
Lens Construction 5 elements / 5 groups
Filter diameter 52 mm
Macro No
Available mounts Micro Four Thirds
Sony E
Fujifilm X
Canon EF-M
Dimensions 60 x 60 mm
Weight 248 g
Additional information Field of view for the APS-C sensor
Average rating (2 owners reviews)
Build quality
Optical quality
Value for money


3.33 Average
Owners reviews (2)
  1. Kaz
    Kaz 27 June 2020, 13:09
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 24.135.x.x
    Owner since: 1 year
    Price: 120USD
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: f1.1 to f1.8 is an optical catastrophy. As you open up the aperture from f2.0 to f1.1, you will see sharpness degrade, CA goes completely out of control and contrast tanks really badly.

    Pros: At f2.0 and above center sharpness is passable even on 20mpx MFT cameras, closing down further improves this a bit (but you wouldn\'t get an f1.1 lens to use it closed down all the time). Very nice build quality.

    Summary: If you want an ultrafast, but usable prime, go for Kamlan 50mm f1.1 MK2. MK2 while substantially bigger and heavier, it\'s optically excellent particularly for its price.

  2. Valdai21
    Valdai21 25 September 2019, 13:28
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 90.13.x.x
    Owner since: 3 months
    Price: 150
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: - Never sharp except in the center - Not suitable for general use

    Pros: - Good build quality - Average to good center sharpness - Fun to play with depth of field - Good for portraits

    Summary: The lens is quite well build and fun to play with especially for portraits. You can get a surprising amount of bokeh but don\'t expect the f/1,1 to be very useful in low light. There is noticeable glow wide open, gets better when you stop down in the center but the edges will never become sharp. Therefore the lens is not suitable for general use to my eyes.