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Canon EF 28-135 mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM

Manufacturer Canon
Model EF 28-135 mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM
Lens style Universal zoom
Focal length 28 - 135 mm
Maximum aperture f/3.5 - 5.6
Angle of view 75.4 - 18.2 o
Closest focusing distance 0.5 m
Maximum magnification 1:5.26
Minimum aperture 36
Number of diaphragm blades 6
Auto focus type USM
Lens Construction 16 elements / 12 groups
Filter diameter 72 mm
Macro No
Available mounts Canon EF
Dimensions 78 x 97 mm
Weight 549 g
Additional information Marketed February 1998
Average rating (7 owners reviews)
Build quality
Optical quality
Value for money


3.52 Average
Owners reviews (7)
  1. Mac
    Mac 17 December 2016, 01:15
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 72.89.x.x
    Owner since: more than 10 years
    Price: $290
    User profile: Semipro

    Cons: Not especially sharp, light, nor well corrected. My copy had an IS unit which BLURRED pictures (just shook incessantly) which took Canin three tries to fix. Still has a decentered element.

    Pros: Zoom range on film/full frame. Fast AF motor (USM)

    Summary: Bought it to replace my old EF 35-105 3.5-4.5. Still using and will keep that lens, augment by my ne 24-105 f/4 L. Out of a dozen lenses, this is the only one I am getting rid of. A total disappointment.

  2. bru
    bru 14 October 2016, 08:00
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 94.36.x.x
    Owner since: 6 months
    Price: 110€
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: lack of stiffness when fully extended big filter thread (72mm) sharpness wide open from 90mm up to 135mm (but it's really good for portraits)

    Pros: good zoom range (on full frame) good sharpness from f5,6 to f11 useful IS even if it' s an old one (1 or 2 stop gain depending on the focal length)

    Summary: For the money spent i' ve got nothing to complain, not a perfect lens but once you know its limits it can deliver really good results in most photographic situations. Good and versatile travel and walkaround lense. Used on a Eos 5D mkI

  3. Joey-Meowy
    Joey-Meowy 8 April 2013, 19:20
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 149.154.x.x
    Owner since: 5 years
    Price: USD 550 Ne
    User profile: Semipro

    Cons: Average in every respect. Older design not up to current standards.

    Pros: New price is now around USD 350, cheaper if bought as a kit lens. Not that useful on an APS-C body but comes in handy otherwise.

    Summary: Can be an OK walkaround lens. Large 28-135mm focal range is very handy

  4. Martin Graf
    Martin Graf 3 April 2013, 05:42
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 101.164.x.x
    Owner since: 3 months
    Price: $ 250.00
    User profile: Semipro

    Cons: on full frame a bit soft in the corners when wide open

    Pros: build good for the price, IS good for many situations, good range for travelling - good and sharp enough for snap shot situations

    Summary: I usually only use prime lenses but for some situations I wanted to be able to react quicker - this rather cheap lens is good enough on my full frame but also extremely cheap for what it offers - Good Deal! I was rather surprised about the quality at 135mm

  5. thaithanh
    thaithanh 14 May 2012, 15:10
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 31.220.x.x
    Owner since: 3 months
    Price: 270GBP
    User profile: Semipro

    Cons: zoom build weak, IS loudy, costly filter for 77mm threat

    Pros: optical and colour exceptable, useful range for walkaround (although seems not enough wide on APS-C sensor).

    Summary: looking for all-in-one lens? go for it... effective/price is very good... IS and USM are enough for walkaround, 28 enough for wide, 135 enough for zoom to the roof.

  6. Feby
    Feby 22 September 2010, 18:41
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 24.130.x.x
    Owner since: 3 years
    Price: 300$
    User profile: Semipro

    Cons: Build quality not good - When you face the lens downwards, it extends! Wobbles while zooming.. 72mm filter - not a standard! 28mm is too restrictive on a APS-C for general purpose.

    Pros: Great focal range .. Great IS.. Nice price and great entry level lens. USM & FTM..

    Summary: Was my first lens.. Used it for almost 3 years until I sold it for my 17-40. Great entry level lens.. Nice lens for the price.

  7. MasterB
    MasterB 23 June 2009, 01:49
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 217.96.x.x
    Owner since: 1 year
    Price: 300 USD
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: Image Stabilizer is quite loud (gives a hum). Can degrade image quality so shoot without IS whenever possible. Front end of lens "wobbles" a bit, which is surprising for quality optics. Apparently it is normal for this lens, and does not influence image quality.

    Pros: Decent build quality, full time manual focusing, USM motor. Sharpness is ok, especially on APS-C

    Summary: Good walk-around lens, though for me (I use 450D) it lacked wide angle as it is designed for Full Frame