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Carl Zeiss Tele-Tessar T* 200 mm f/3.5

Manufacturer Carl Zeiss
Model Tele-Tessar T* 200 mm f/3.5
Lens style Telephoto
Focal length 194 mm
Maximum aperture f/3.5
Angle of view 12.4 o
Closest focusing distance 1.8 m
Maximum magnification 0
Minimum aperture 22
Number of diaphragm blades 0
Auto focus type MF
Lens Construction 6 elements / 5 groups
Filter diameter 67 mm
Macro No
Available mounts Contax & Yashica
Dimensions 122 x 77.5 mm
Weight 780 g
Additional information
Average rating (1 owners reviews)
Build quality
Optical quality
Value for money


4.00 Good
Owners reviews (1)
  1. Fabrizio
    Fabrizio 23 September 2010, 09:40
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 93.63.x.x
    Owner since: 6 years
    Price: 250 eur
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: Some chromatic aberrations if wide open Soft

    Pros: Build quality Nice colors (warm) Perfect fit if used with adapter on Canon EOS digital Nice bokeh

    Summary: Used for 5 years on a Contax 167MT. Excellent results for the value if used on films. Mounted on a Canon 50d, the lens seems softer probably because the 15.1MPixel asks very much (in resolution )from this old design lens.