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Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar T* 35-70 mm f/3.4

Manufacturer Carl Zeiss
Model Vario-Sonnar T* 35-70 mm f/3.4
Lens style Universal zoom
Focal length 35.7 - 69 mm
Maximum aperture f/3.4
Angle of view 63 - 34 o
Closest focusing distance 0.7 m
Maximum magnification
Minimum aperture 22
Number of diaphragm blades 0
Auto focus type MF
Lens Construction 10 elements / 10 groups
Filter diameter 67 mm
Macro No
Available mounts Contax & Yashica
Dimensions 70 x 80.5 mm
Weight 475 g
Additional information
Average rating (1 owners reviews)
Build quality
Optical quality
Value for money


4.33 Good
Owners reviews (1)
  1. amir
    amir 21 July 2012, 03:44
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 88.71.x.x
    Owner since: 3 months
    Price: 120 Eur
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: (on a D800) Prone to purple fringing when used wide open. Slightly soft in corners, needs to be stopped down at least a liitle bit. Focussing can be difficult, as it has only f3.4. Focus shift when zooming. Zoom range not very large, not really wide angle. Minimum focus distance around 70cm (except in macro mode) is a bit too long.

    Pros: (on a D800) Quite sharp (most of the frame including the borders, except in the extreme corners) once stopped down. Distortions very low (result looks like a prime). CAs low. Flare resistance o.k. Light weight. Macro: Albeit a rather short focal length for a macro (35mm), results are very good.

    Summary: Good quality manual focus zoom, unfortunately the zoom range is rather small (in exchange for low distortions). The macro mode is not a "compromise mode" and can deliver not only very good but also interesting results because of the unusually short focal length of the macro mode. Note on the low price paid: mine was slightly damaged and required minor repair.